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PMI UK Chapter is cooperating with

Training Environment team on a number of projects such as Synergy, Project Challenge, PMI Power Talks, PMI Career Forum etc. on creation online and printed designs for events flyers, brochures and media campaigns for the above.


Leading communication department at PMI UK as Communication Director I would like to recommend Training Environment and Alla as founder and head of projects for agile and efficient social media campaigns.


During our cooperation since July 2016, PMI UK audience engagement across social networks has seen significant growth with chapter followers list growth of 30% across LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter and greater PMI UK events attendance due to creative design solutions and effective social media campaigns delivered to the chapter on a monthly basis.


I would like to recommend Training Environment team to the companies who looking to enchase their social presence and create an online portfolio to attract and grow relevant audience along with potential clients via social selling techniques delivered by Alla’s media team.


Looking forward to successful cooperation in 2017 and beyond.




Designs live version / 2016

Project Challenge Magazine

18   /   07   /   2016

Designs live version / 2017

Project Challenge Magazine

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